
Submitted. With Fabian Tomaschek and Konstantin Sering. “The Cognitive Coherence of Sociolects Across the Lifespan: A Panel Study of Swabian German.”

In Press. With Konstantin Sering. “Measuring (dia)lectal coherence across time: Change over the lifespan and in the community.” In:  K. V. Beaman and G. R. Guy (eds.), The coherence of linguistic communities: Orderly heterogeneity and social meaning. New York: Routledge.

2021. “Identity and place in linguistic change across the lifespan: The case of Swabian German“. In: Arne Ziegler, Stefanie Edler, Nina Kleczkowski & Georg Oberdorfer (eds). Urban Matters. Current Approaches of International Sociolinguistic Research (Studies in Language Variation). Amsterdam: John Benjamins

2021. “Exploring an approach for modelling lectal coherence“. In: Nanna Haug Hilton, Remco Knooihuizen, and Hans Van de Velde (eds). Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE10) held on June 26-28, 2019 at the Fryske Akademy in Leeuwarden, Netherlands. Series on Studies in Language Variation. John Benjamins Publishing House.

2021. With Fabian Tomaschek. “Loss of Historical Phonetic Contrast Across the Lifespan: Articulatory, Lexical, and Social Effects on Sound Change in Swabian.” In: K. V. Beaman and I. Buchstaller (eds). Language Variation and Language Change Across the Lifespan: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives from Panel Studies. New York: Routledge.

2021. With R. Harald Baayen and Michael Ramscar. “Deconfounding the effects of competition and attrition on dialect across the lifespan: a panel study investigation of Swabian German.” In: K. V. Beaman and I. Buchstaller (eds). Language Variation and Language Change Across the Lifespan: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives from Panel Studies. New York: Routledge.

2021. Swabian relatives: variation in the use of the wo-relativiser. In: K. V. Beaman, I. Buchstaller, S. Fox, and J. A. Walker (eds.). Socio-grammatical Variation and Change: In Honour of Jenny Cheshire. New York: Routledge.

2020. “Coherence in Real- and Apparent-Time: A Sociolinguistic variationist investigation of language change Swabia.” Unpublished PhD Thesis. Queen Mary, University of London.

1984.  “Coordination and Subordination Revisited: Syntactic Complexity in Spoken and Written Narrative Discourse.” In D. Tannen (ed.). Coherence in Spoken and Written Discourse. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing. 45-80.

1981.  “The Vowel was Raised; the Vowel was Deleted: Vowel Raising and Deletion in Was.” Seminar in Variation Theory. Georgetown University, Washington, DC, USA.

1980.  “Language Standardization and Linguistic Change: A Pilot Study of Swabian Palatalization.” Paper presented at the Twentieth Southeastern Conference on Linguistics (SECOL). Published in Conference Proceeding by Memphis State University. March 1980.

1980.  “Areallinguistik und Sprachwandel: Am Beispiel des Schwäbischen.” Seminar über die Geschichte der deutschen Sprache. Universität Tübingen, Germany.

1979.  “Patterns of Variation: The Development of the Concept of Implicational Analysis as a Theory of Language Change.” Masters Thesis. Georgetown University. Washington, DC, USA.

1979.  “Cooperative Overlap: A Stylistic Strategy.” Seminar in Conversational Strategies. Georgetown University. Washington, DC, USA.

1979.  “Defrosting Frozen Idioms.” Seminar on Conventionality of Language. Summer Linguistic Institute. University of Salzburg, Austria.

1978.  “On the Polarity of Tag Questions.” Seminar on Morphology and Syntax. Georgetown University. Washington, DC, USA.

1978.  “Zu dem Phänomen der Synästhesie in der Dichtung.” Seminar on the History of the German Language. Georgetown University. Washington, DC, USA.

1978.  “The Causes of Language Change: Internal and External.” Senior Thesis in Interdisciplinary Studies. Old Dominion University. Norfolk, VA, USA.

1976.  “The Phrasal Verb.” Seminar on Linguistic Variation. Old Dominion University. Norfolk, VA, USA.